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Abloy Electric Locks

Home > Abloy > Abloy Electric Locks
ABLOY offer a wide variety electric locks, both motor operated and solenoid, providing electric locking solutions for almost any application.

The extensive range of electric locks by ABLOY offer an unrivalled level of functionality and durability. Right at the forefront of locking technology, the Abloy series of electric locks are the ideal specification for a high-traffic, high security environment. Abloy Electric Locks are suitable for use with any kind of access control system, whether it's digital, biometric, card swipe or proximity. ABLOY electric locks ensure freedom of egress as well as maintaining the security of each door.

High security areas are the perfect application for Abloy Electric Locks, whether internal doors or final exits, they are built to operate in conjunction with access, door automation and hands-free systems. The range includes both motor locks with bolts withdrawn by a motor, as well as solenoid locks with handles or free mechanisms engaged by solenoids.